
We gratefully acknowledge the following for their contributions to help develop, maintain and improve the Picard User Guide.

This list includes contributors to the documentation, regardless of their role. In addition to actual content contributors, this includes leads, translators, reviewers and proofreaders. All contributions are valuable and appreciated. As such, the names are presented in alphabetical order so as not to imply the relative importance of someone’s contribution based on their position in the list.

Contributors include (in alphabetic surname order):

  • Aerozol

  • Vedant Chakravadhanula

  • Pavan Chander

  • Ronan Desplanques

  • Gabriel Ferreira

  • Giorgio Fontanive

  • Rahul Kumar Gupta

  • Wieland Hoffmann

  • InvisibleMan78

  • jesus2099

  • David Kellner

  • Jun Kim

  • Sambhav Kothari

  • Soham Kukreti

  • Laurent Monin

  • Akash Nagaraj

  • Frederik “Freso” S. Olesen

  • Guntbert Reiter

  • Theodore Fabian Rudy

  • Suryansh Shakya

  • skelly37

  • Sophist

  • Odd Stråbø

  • Bob Swift

  • Akshat Tiwari

  • Philipp Wolfer

  • yvanzo

  • Shadab Zafar


There are likely others that have not yet been identified, so we apologize if your name has been missed. Please let us know and we’ll make sure that it is added to the list.