Cover Art Archive


In this section you can decide which types of cover art you would like to download from the Cover Art Archive, and what quality (size) you want to download. Obviously, the better the quality, the larger the size of the files.

Download Types

When selecting the cover art image types, you can select the types to both include and exclude from the download list. CAA images with an image type found in the “Include” list will be downloaded and used unless they also have an image type found in the “Exclude” list. Images with types found in the “Exclude” list will never be used. Image types not appearing in either the “Include” or “Exclude” lists will not be considered when determining whether or not to download and use a CAA image.

Most music players will display only one piece of cover art for the album, and most people select Front (cover) for that.

Image Size

This identifies what size of image to download from the CAA. The options are 250px, 500px, 1200px amd full size. The fixed sizes are generated automatically from the full size image, provided that it is greater than or equal to the fixed size being generated. The generated images are square and padded as required if the original image is not square.

Save only one front image

This tells Picard to only save the first “front” image to a separate file with the release. If left unchecked, all “front” images will be saved as separate files.

Download only approved images

When checked, Picard will only download images that have been approved (i.e.: the edit to add the image has been accepted and applied). To allow using images from pending edits, leave this option unchecked.

Use the first image type as the filename

When checked, Picard will use the type of the first image retrieved as the filename when saving all images. If left unchecked, each file will be named according to its image type.


This will not change the name used for “front” images that has been specified in the Save cover images section of the general “Cover Art Options”.

Since Picard 1.3, you can also decide whether or not to use the image from the release group (if any) if no front image is found for the release. In this case, the cover may not match the exact release you are tagging (eg.: a 1979 vinyl front cover may be used in place of the Deluxe 2010 CD reissue).