AcousticBrainz Options


Beginning with v2.7, Picard can analyze music files and submit the information to AcousticBrainz. Information can only be submitted if the file is properly tagged with MusicBrainz identifiers. In order to provide this functionality Picard must be provided with a link to an appropriate extraction application. If no link is provided, Picard will attempt to find an extractor in the application directory.

AcousticBrainz features extraction

This allows you to select whether or not to enable acoustic features extraction within Picard. If acoustic features extraction is disabled then all remaining options in this tab will be locked and ignored.

If enabled and a proper extractor application is available, the “Submit AcousticBrainz features” command will be enabled in the “Tools” section of Picard’s main menu bar, when either a properly tagged file or release is selected.

AcousticBrainz/Essentia feature extractor

This section allows you to specify the acoustic features extractor application to use for processing the audio files. This extractor is bundled with the Picard installation on Windows and macOS systems, and can be found in the Picard installation directory. There is also an option with a link to download a client application from the AcousticBrainz website.

See also

Please see the Submitting Acoustic Features section for additional information.