
Usage: $lt(x,y[,type])
Category: conditional


Returns “1” (True) if x is less than y using the comparison specified in type. Possible values of type are “int” (integer), “float” (floating point), “text” (case-sensitive text), “nocase” (case-insensitive text) and “auto” (automatically determine the type of arguments provided), with “auto” used as the default comparison method if type is not specified. The “auto” type will use the first type that applies to both arguments in the following order of preference: “int”, “float” and “text”.


The type argument was added in Picard v2.9. Prior to that, if an argument was missing or was not an integer, the function would return an empty string.


The following statements will return the values indicated:

$lt(-1,0)                        ==>   "1" (True)
$lt(6,6)                         ==>   "" (False)
$lt(6.5,6.6)                     ==>   "1" (True)
$lt(a,b)                         ==>   "1" (True)
$lt(6,a)                         ==>   "1" (True)
$lt(6.5,a)                       ==>   "1" (True)

$lt(4,6,int)                     ==>   "1" (True)
$lt(4,6.1,int)                   ==>   "" (False)
$lt(6,a,int)                     ==>   "" (False)

$lt(4,4.1,float)                 ==>   "1" (True)
$lt(4.1,4.2,float)               ==>   "1" (True)
$lt(4,6,float)                   ==>   "1" (True)
$lt(6.5,a,float)                 ==>   "" (False)

$lt(2020-01-01,2020-01-02,text)  ==>   "1" (True)
$lt(abc,abcd,text)               ==>   "1" (True)
$lt(abc,ac,text)                 ==>   "1" (True)
$lt(A,a,text)                    ==>   "1" (True)
$lt(B,a,text)                    ==>   "1" (True)
$lt(a,A,text)                    ==>   "" (False)

$lt(a,B,nocase)                  ==>   "1" (True)
$lt(A,b,nocase)                  ==>   "1" (True)
$lt(B,a,nocase)                  ==>   "" (False)
$lt(b,A,nocase)                  ==>   "" (False)