
Usage: $substr(text,start,end)
Category: text
Implemented: Picard 2.3


Returns the substring of text beginning with the character at the start index, up to (but not including) the character at the end index. Indexes are zero-based. Negative numbers will be counted back from the end of the string. If the start or end indexes are left blank, they will default to the start and end of the string respectively. If the start index evaluates to a negative number (e.g.: text is “abc” and start is -10), it will default to the start of the string. Similarly, if end index is a number greater than the number of characters in the string, it will default to the end of the string. Invalid index values (e.g.: start greater than end) will return an empty string.


The following statements will return the values indicated:

$substr(abcdefg)        ==>  "abcdefg"
$substr(abcdefg,3)      ==>  "defg"
$substr(abcdefg,,3)     ==>  "abc"
$substr(abcdefg,0,3)    ==>  "abc"
$substr(abcdefg,-3)     ==>  "efg"
$substr(abcdefg,-6,3)   ==>  "bc"
$substr(abcdefg,-10,3)  ==>  "abc"
$substr(abcdefg,3,1)    ==>  ""